Something to think about: “Walls were Made to be Broken” (part 3)

After your list of fears have been created, review your list to see what is realistic and what is not…

All fears have an origin, and figuring out what that origin is requires reflecting on our past experiences and self-reflection in general as to how we perceived those experiences, whether or not we have decided to have closure about them, etc. We create unrealistic fears out of unnecessary worries. Unnecessary worries are our own excessive thoughts and concerns about how we can control things that we actually cannot change the outcome of yet somehow feel we must take the blame if things do go wrong.  If we can eliminate the need to control the things we cannot change, those unnecessary worries will vanish, and so will the unrealistic fears.

Speaking of things we cannot change, how many times have we blamed ourselves for things we think we should be in control of only to find out it was out of our hands to begin with? One of the most common examples of this kind of misdirected self-blame is when we experience a breakup or a divorce.  Self-blame creates fears that have no credibility. For example; if you have done the best that you are capable of doing to love someone properly and they still reject you in the end, that is not your fault. It’s either they are going to accept you for who you are, or they are not. Do not settle for any other alternative. Do not be afraid to take a chance on love again just because someone did not appreciate what you have to offer them. There are far too many people on this planet to think you will never cross paths with the right person who will appreciate you as you are. Believing in any other false perception of yourself will only re-enforce the fear of being emotionally hurt. When you do encounter another potential mate, you may misinterpret some of their behavior(s) as a warning and react according to your own fear of going through another heartbreak, except you will not be aware that you are literally punishing another innocent human being for what someone else did to you as well as punishing yourself. This is called an unrealistic fear. Unrealistic fears create  Unconscious Walls (See “Something to think about: Walls were Made to be Broken”).

Once you have distinguished the unrealistic fears on your list, all that should be left are the realistic ones.  A realistic fear is a fear of facing unpleasant consequences tomorrow due to lack of preventive actions today. Realistic fears have a legitimate purpose because we are aware of what needs to be done to control the desired outcome. Examples of this would be the student who neglects to study for an exam will likely fail the exam, or the spouse who is unfaithful in their marriage is likely to become divorced, and so on.

But what if a realistic fear originated from observing the consequences of someone else’s actions? Stereotyping is a common mistake when deciding what we want out of life and what we think of other people, places, and things. For example; there are some students who believe just because other students have struggled with an exam or a class and failed miserably that it also means they themselves will experience the same fate no matter what. Without ever considering what factors the other students have purposely contributed to cause their own failure, it is much easier for those students to just assume the exam and/or class is the problem and it is best to avoid the situation altogether.  The same principle goes for some people who are against marriage, although they have never been married and really have no legitimate reason to be against it.  They assume ALL marriages are doomed to fail because of the failed ones they have observed and the horror stories they have heard, therefore, they assume marriage in general is a bad idea and avoid it regardless of how much they desire it.  Having a feeling of inadequacy about your own ability to succeed in any area of your life based on someone else’s failure is a sure way to guarantee your own failure from the start. By deliberately avoiding situations only because you fear they will turn out to be the same like someone else’s, you have created a realistic fear. Realistic fears based on an illogical personal belief system creates Conscious Walls (See “Something to think about: Walls were Made to be Broken”). 

In conclusion, Unconscious Walls are primarily based on unrealistic fears of the unknown, and Conscious Walls are primarily based on realistic fears of an illogical reality.

So now that you have a clear understanding of how Conscious and Unconscious Walls are made, I want to ask this question again:

Which wall was made to be broken?

The answer should be pretty easy now…. 😉

© 2013 Learus Ohnine

Something to think about: “Walls were Made to be Broken” (Part 2)

I’m assuming most of you have already read my previous blog entitled “Something to think about: Walls Were Made To Be Broken”. If not, please do go back and read it. It will help you understand what this blog is all about…

For those of you who have read it, hopefully you have a clear understanding of the difference between a Conscious and Unconscious Wall and have taken the time to do a self-evaluation to see whether or not your walls can be distinguished between the two. Naturally in order to do this, you have to be completely honest with yourself, and that can be pretty rough. I’m sure we all would like to think we are free and clear of any character flaws, but the truth of the matter is, we are not. All of us have some sort of wall built around our hearts and minds, whether we want to admit it or not. We may not have been aware of that wall’s existence, how it got there, or even how long it’s been there.

Not sure if you have a wall?

Make a list of your fears. Be honest.

Next, make a list of how you address, or don’t address, those fears. Be honest.

Still not clear yet? Note: Be honest.

The first step in identifying which wall was created to be demolished all goes back to what I said earlier… you have to be completely honest with yourself. Any self-evaluation or soul-searching is going to require complete honesty, no matter how painful it may feel. You need to know the truth. Without truth, there can be no remedy. Without a remedy, there can be no demolition…

Remember: 2013 is all about the year for creating a better Y.O.U.

So go, go now, and get busy writing that fear list so you can move on to the next highly recommended step…

(To be continued)

© 2013 Learus Ohnine

“In My Jammies”

I miss my jammies
Every morning when I leave;
Sure wish I had my jammies
At work, at school, at league

Wanna take my jammies
Wherever I go;
But my jammies don’t like it
In rain, in sleet, in snow

Can’t wait to get my jammies
Back over my head
All it takes is three moves;
My shirt, my pants, my bed

That’s where my jammies
First fell in love with me;
All night we were one
With pillows, with blanket, with sheet

My jammies don’t need rest
They stay awake all night;
Protecting all around me
The left, the rear, the right

If I replaced my jammies
Sleep could never keep me sane;
‘Cause the kind of dreams they show me of
No worry, no fear, no pain

I’m gonna marry my jammies
As soon as it’s legal;
Maybe we can adopt kids named
Lil’ Snuggy, Lil’ Fleece, Lil’ Flannel

© 2013 Learus Ohnine

Something to think about: “Walls were Made to be Broken” (part 1)

I just want to take a moment to explain this statement. The word “walls” in reference to this statement means the invisible walls we put up around our hearts and minds. If we break down the general definition of the word, a wall is basically a solid mass used in many ways to protect, to connect, to enclose, to strengthen, and to defend. Buildings are infamous for containing walls for those obvious reasons, and also because they represent a sense of permanency. However, when the term “wall” is used when pertaining to people, it still serves the same purpose as it does in the literal sense… except for the permanency part.

But let’s face it… none of us are born with walls already placed around our hearts and minds. Walls are not genetic. We put those walls up ourselves, either consciously or unconsciously, because of some sort of dilemma we were faced with at some point in our lives. Consciously, we have strategically place them in areas where we are most vulnerable in order to keep from having to face the same dilemmas again. Unconsciously, we place them in areas where we are most vulnerable also, but are only aware they are there when faced with a familiar dilemma.

How to tell the difference between a conscious wall and an unconscious one?

One obvious difference is a conscious wall is built deliberately. A conscious wall coincides with purposeful avoidance. We want to alleviate any possible chances of feeling hurt, disappointment, angry, betrayed, injured, etc., so this kind of wall protects and encloses us from getting involved in situations that we feel will result in feeling certain emotions. They serve as a constant reminder to avoid situations whose criteria spells “injury to my well-being”. An unconscious wall is one that is not deliberately built, but is more or less triggered by a familiar event where our conscious mind takes over and says “Hey wait, this seems familiar. Even though all the facts are right there that this could be a great opportunity, let’s not take this chance again because it’s better to be safe than sorry.” So basically, an unconscious wall is an oblivious defense mechanism only triggered by the familiarity of a situation connected with a past catastrophic event.

The difference between the two types of walls is… one of them was made to be broken.

Can you tell which one?

(To be continued…)

© 2013 Learus Ohnine

Quick-fix meal tips…


The 11 best foods to eat to lose weight fast….

1. Raw Fruits & Vegetables

You’ll not only maintain your weight much easier if you eat more RAW fruits & veggies but you’ll also lose weight much faster on aweight loss plan eating more RAW fruits & veggies and here’s another quick fact…

Your body burns 16% more calories after you eat a meal that’s mostly fruits & vegetables than if you ate a meal without any fruits or vegetables plus…

Fruits & vegetables high in vitamin C like Oranges, lemons & pineapples liquefy (or burn off) body fat so the fat can be easily flushed out of your body and you need to eat RAW fruits & vegetables because…

Farmers feed pigs steamed or cooked veggies to fatten them up because they know raw veggies will slim them down.

2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is loaded with fiber that decreases your appetite by making you feel full so you can go for long periods of time without eating while keeping your energy levels high at the same time and…

If you eat oatmeal about 1-to-2 hours before doing your weight loss workout… Oatmeal will give you a longer lasting blast of energy that helps you workout longer & more intensely which helps you lose weight much faster and…

It’s better to eat steel-cut oats, plain or natural oatmeal & not the flavored oatmeal packets that contain lots of sugar.

Researchers at Loughborough University found that when athletes ate complex carbs (like oatmeal ) for breakfast & lunch… They burned much more fat off during the day than those who ate simple carbs or bad weight loss foods plus…

The researchers also found out that the athletes burned more fat while working out and were able to workout longer when eating complex carbs like oatmeal.

3. Dairy products

Dairy products or foods high in calcium like Low-fat yogurt, cheese, & milk breakdown fat cells faster and in a recent study…

People who ate low-fat dairy products 3-to-4 times a day lost 70% more fat than people on a low-dairy diet and scientist also believe that foods high in calcium suppress calcitriol, a hormone responsible for making fat cells bigger and dairy products also contain high quality proteins that help suppress appetite.

4. Any kind of raw nuts

Eat any kind of nuts for fiber to ward off hunger and to also get a good dose of protein & healthy Omega-3s fats to help you burn fat faster & produce more testosterone but… Make sure you eat raw & organic nuts instead of roasted & salted to get the full weight loss benefits.

5. Apples

Eat apples so the pectin found in apples can prevent your body from absorbing too much fat and… The pectin from apples causes your body to release fat and…

Pectin is also a strong appetite suppressant that keeps you satisfied for long periods of time causing you not to overeat so you won’t gain weight and in a study done in Brazil…

People who had 1 whole apple before each meal lost 33% more weight than a group of people who didn’t eat apples.

6. Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts are rich in selenium and selenium is needed by your body to make thyroid hormones that are responsible for keeping your metabolism high.

7. Fish

Eat more fish like Salmon, Tuna, and Sardines to make your body more sensitive to a fat-burning hormone called Leptin (Leptin means “thin” in Greek).

Leptin suppresses your appetite and Leptin determines whether you store the calories you eat as fat or if you burn the calories you eat for energy.

8. Spices

Add spices to your foods like chili peppers, jalapeno peppers, cayenne peppers or hot mustard to increase your fat burning metabolism by 8-to-20% for up to 3 hours after eating spices and…

Dr. Henry at Oxford University proved that hot peppers can increase your fat-burning metabolism by adding just 3 grams of chili peppers to meals and In a British Study… Spicy mustard made people burn an extra 45-to-75 calories over 3 hours and…

Garlic is a strong diuretic that can help you flush out excess water weight plus… Spices foods can reduce your appetite by increasing your body’s norepinephrine and epinephrine levels and…

Gingerol (the active ingredient in ginger) increases growth hormone production which increases the amount of fat released from your fat stores to be burned as fuel.

9. Organic Beef

Organic Beef contains lots of CLA (or conjugated linoleic acid) which is basically a healthy fat that helps you burn fat and…

According to The International Journal of Obesity… People who took CLA lost belly fat by reducing their waistlines by 1.2 inches without making any diet or lifestyle changes.

10. Resistant starch

Resistant starch is just another kind of dietary fiber but According to a study done at the University of Colorado…

You’ll burn 20-to-30% more fat by including more foods loaded with resistant starch like Navy beans, High amylose cornstarch, Bananas, Potatoes, Lentils, Oatmeal & Wholegrain breads in your meals and…

Resistant starch also prevents your body from storing too much fat and like other types of dietary fiber… Resistant starch also makes you feel fuller longer so you’ll never gain weight (and only lose weight).

11. Avocados

Avocados contain a sugar called mannoheptulose that helps lower insulin levels to prevent you from storing fat (or gaining weight).


The WeightScale that stole my happy days

I guess it would be wise to take my health seriously this year. I mean, after all, I’m only going to get one chance to live my life using this one body, so I might as well take care of it.

My main problem is… I love to chew. I love food, I love everything about it. I love the smell of food, the taste, the texture. I love to hold it, to look at it. Now if I can only figure out a way to eat it and not show the evidence of what I’ve been eating in the form of fat…

I did some research and found some foods that are considered “GOOD” foods to eat when trying to lose weight:

All whole grain or unprocessed foods
Any fruits or vegetables
Steel-Cut Oats
Plain popcorn – lightly salted
Brown rice
Wild rice
Wheat Germ
Wheat breads (Avoid White breads)
Granary bread
Pitta bread
Wheat Bagel
Wholegrain cereals
High fiber breakfast cereals like All Bran and Fiber One
Shredded wheat
Whole wheat pretzels
Pastas made with wheat like Macaroni or Spaghetti
Whole Barley
Buckwheat / Buckwheat pasta
Sprouted bread (Ezekiel bread)
Any vegetables


Green beans
String beans
Brussels sprouts
Collard Greens
Dandelion greens
Dill pickles
Garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
Kidney Beans
Mustard greens
Parsley leaves
Pinto Beans
Parsnips (raw/boiled)
Peppers (green/red)
Pickles (sour/sweet)
Swiss Chard
Sweet Potatoes
Water Cress

Asian Pears
Damson plum
Goji Berries
Honeydew melon
Navy beans
Spaghetti Squash

Any type of Protein shakes & supplements…

Protein Bars
Whey Protein Shakes
Casein Protein shakes
Egg Protein shakes
Soy Protein Shakes & Soy Protein Bars – vegetarian protein source
Hemp Protein Shakes – another vegetarian protein source
Blended Protein shakes – combination of protein sources

Any animal sources…

Organic Beef (range-fed or game)
Cornish hen
Chicken – Lean Chicken breast (skinless)
Turkey – Deli Turkey breast / Skinless Turkey breast
Leanest cuts of Beef like Red round steaks and roasts, top loin, top sirloin and chuck shoulder and arm roasts.
Leanest cuts of pork like pork loin, tenderloin, center loin and ham.
Well-trimmed Leg of lamb
Deer / Moose / Elk / Caribou
Top Round Leg cutlet or Chop cuts of Veal
Egg whites / Egg beaters

Most fish & other seafoods…

Bass (fresh water/sea)
Oysters (half shell)
Frog legs
Terrapin (turtle)

Any nuts & seeds – High protein foods for vegetarians

Unsalted Cashews
Unsalted peanuts
Raw Almonds
Brazil Nuts
Pine Nuts
Pistachio Nuts
Macadamia Nuts
Pistachio nuts
Hazelnuts and Filberts
Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds
Chia seeds

More high protein foods…

Natural peanut butter
Natural cashew butter
Natural almond butter
Beef Jerky
Tofu & Soy products

4 Good Fats that help you burn fat…


7 Low-fat dairy products that help you lose weight…

Low fat yogurt
Greek yogurt
Low fat cottage cheese
Low fat cheese
Low-fat/non-fat sour cream
Low-fat or Skim milk
Fat free cream cheese

7 Condiments that can be used safely when trying to lose weight…

Carb options barbeque sauce, ketchup and pasta sauce
Fat free mayonnaise
French’s honey mustard
Mrs. Dash
I can’t believe it’s not butter
Smuker’s sugar free jams
Balsamic vinegar
31 Spices & Spicy Foods that increase your metabolism…

Hot peppers
Cayenne peppers
Hot mustard
Jamaica pepper
Africa birdseye
Curry Powder
Jalapeno Peppers
Habanero Peppers
Chili Peppers
Chili Powder
Cayenne Peppers
Thai Peppers
Ginger (Turmeric)
Bell peppers
Bird’s eye chili
Super Chili
Scotch bonnet

Uh, oh boy, yum….